B i b l i o g r a p h y for Qiu Zhijie & --------->
摄影之后的摄影(新媒介艺术丛书) - Photography after PhotographyQiu Zhijie, 2005, long-long Book House, ISBN: 7-300-06848-0 / 978-7-300-06848-0 - 2005 - page 209
Contemporary Art and Cultural Transformation - Qiu Zhijie (当代艺术与本土文化•邱志杰)Fan Di an, 2004, Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House, ISBN: 7-5393-1481-8 / 978-7-5393-1481-5 - 2004 - page 70
The Boundary of Freedom - Series of critiques on Chinese Contemporary Art - 自由的有é™æ€§2003, long-long bookhouse, ISBN: 7-300-04792-0 - 2003 - page 303